Personal Surveys
The Photo Comp
Little Essex Street
Personal Calibration
2001: 52 Sundays
The Crosses
of the
Northern Neck
The Wild Dogs of Jersey City
52 Sundays
The conceit of 2001: 52 Sundays was to reserve every Sunday from December 2000 to December 2001, photograph what came on that day, and choose one image. These images were then composed as a group of four in chronological order, and set against the color spectrum.
To me, the year 2001 always seemed mythic: the beginning of the third millennium. The movie 2001: A Space Odyssey made a huge impression on me when I was a kid, and as it approached I felt I should document the year in some way. On Sunday, December 17, 2000 a rainbow appeared over Manhattan and the essay began.
Our daily lives, like the universe, consist of long periods of mundane occurrences punctuated by brief and spectacular events. The word spectacular, like the word great, can define either good or bad. With this in mind, I set out on Sunday with my camera. I often wondered what that year would be like, and boy, we sure found out.

Click to see images.